Property 1=White
Wednesday 14:00 - 15:30
Templars Hall

Notified Pull


Niek van Galen, Health Data Exchange Specialist, NICTIZ

Eky Kaelani, Healthcare Information Analyst, NICTIZ

Gino Canessa, HL7 international / FHIR-I work group


Notified Pull is an exchange concept, just like Pull (query) and Push (send). A Notified Pull (NP) involves sending a notification to the requester and then conducting a targeted query. This is also called Sender Intent Based Receiver Pull (SIRP). Nictiz has participated in the international discussion about Notified Pull in FHIR in the FHIR-I work group during the last 2 international HL7 WGM’s. These conversations were initiated following a Technical Agreement for Notified Pull created by a Dutch work group. There is overlap with Subscriptions in FHIR. Therefore, it might be interesting for a broader group of stakeholders to start the discussion on Notified Pull as Nictiz believes that international alignment is mandatory.