Digital Transformation in Healthcare delivery
The workshop objective is to discuss the opportunities created by digital technologies for delivering better healthcare services to the citizens, and highlight the challenges implicated in this process and the framework that is required to assure the minimisation of potential risks. Results obtained in the scope of different EU projects, spanning across all areas of healthcare, from prevention and lifestyle to diagnosis, follow-up, treatment and care provision will be presented and discussed. In addition, the way the work developed is aligning with the upcoming EHDS will be discussed as well as standardisation aspects and health data sharing.
The projects include BioStreams —for childhood obesity prevention and follow up; SMARTBEAR —for health monitoring, prevention and disease management of the elderly population; DIOPTRA —for colorectal cancer prevention and early diagnosis; PHOREVER —for stroke and pancreatic cancer detection; RETENTION —addressing heart failure monitoring outside hospitals, and TeleRehaB DSS —for remote rehabilitation of balance disorders and xShare —addressing portability and sharing of health data.
Moderator: Maria Marques, UNINOVA
- BioStreams project – Eleftheria Vellidou, ICCS
- PHOREVER project – Vassilis Katsigiannis, ICCS
- RETENTION project – Maria Haritou, ICCS
- TeleRehaB DSS project – George Matsopoulos, NTUA
- DIOPTRA project – Stavros Miloulis, ICCS
- Smart Bear – Carlos Agostinho, UNINOVA
- XShare – Fábio Januário, UNINOVA
Organised by UNINOVA