Interop Lab
Wednesday 14:00 - 15:30
Kallirhoe Hall
EEHRxF Ask the Expert Session | EHDS Experimentation Lab [IV]
This session will enable programmers, information architects, innovators and other stakeholders to have a preview on the EEHRxF specification under development for the EHDS regulation adoption.
Moderator: Christos N. Schizas, Xt-EHR coordinator, NeHA, Cyprus
Rapporteur: Marina Afami, NeHA, Cyprus
Short Presentations: Basic information and cheat-sheets
- Xt-EHR short overview – Andreas Neocleous, NeHA, Cyprus
- Patient Summary, ePrescription and eDispensation – Marcello Melgara, ARIA S.p.A.
- Discharge Letters, Laboratory Results, Medical Imaging – Hynek Kruzik, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic & Esther Peelen, NICTIZ
- Conformity Assessment and Profiling – Juha Mykkanen, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Haralampos Karanikas, UTH, Alexander Berler, HL7 Hellas
- The view of standardization – Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Italy, Jurgen Brandstaetter, MOH Advisor, Austria
Q&A session
Organised by Xt-EHR