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Wednesday 09:00 - 11:00
Attica Hall

EHDS Industry Forum [I]

ADHW 2025 in collaboration with industry associations, and the support of Xt-EHR, IHE, HL7 Hellas, will discuss the EEHRxF specifications. An early version of the model for a self-conformity assessment scheme may be presented. A collaborative session to allow industry stakeholders and vendors to express their views for the adoption of the EHDS and help align the EHDS timeline with the capabilities and roadmaps of vendors. Vendor-driven panels will be organised by Digital Europe, Medtech, COCIR, IHE and other organisations. The objective is to elaborate and propose a commonly accepted approach on how the industry stakeholders can interact to ensure adoption of the EHDS regulation and the conformance to the EEHRxF specifications.


Session Chair: Alexander Berler, HL7 Hellas


Keynote Speech

Kyriacos Hatzaras, DG-CNECT 



  • Xt-EHR Challenges Requirements for different types of EHR systems and Conformity assessment – Andreas Neocleous, NeHA, Cyprus, Juha Mykkänen, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Haralampos Karanikas, UTH
  • How can we align the Industry Digital Health Product Lifecycle with the EHDS Regulation implementation roadmap? – Lapo Bertini, IHE International
  • The xShare Label concept – Nathan Carvalho, DIGITALEUROPE
  • Opportunities and challenges from the implementation of the EHDS Regulation – Annabel Seebohm, COCIR
  • Opportunities and challenges from the implementation of the EHDS Regulation – Verena Thaler, MedTech


Wrap-up of propositions: Alexander Berler, Moderator


Interpreting will be available for this session (English into Greek and vice-versa).

*Invited, pending confirmation